Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) studies of the binding of peptides to enzyme dipeptidyl-peptidase III (DPP III)

Autor: Čerkez, Iva
Přispěvatelé: Šupljika, Filip
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Izotermna titracijska kalorimetrija je kalorimetrijska metoda koja služi za određivanje termodinamičkih parametara interakcija u otopini mjerenjem promjene topline tijekom kemijske reakcije. Aminopeptidaza dipeptidil-peptidaza III je enzim s bitnom funkcijom u brojnim fiziološkim procesima u organizmu, poput obrane od oksidativnog stresa i nastanka nekih tumora, a također je i eksperimentalno dokazana njena uloga u završnim fazama razgradnje bjelančevina. U ovom radu je prikazano praćenje vezanja nekih peptida na ovaj enzim metodom izotermne titracijske kalorimetrije, te je promatrano njihovo potencijalno inhibitorsko djelovanje. Zaključak je da krupni arilni supstituent pridonosi inhibitorskom efektu. Dipeptidil-2-naftilamidni supstrati te oligopeptidi spadaju u skupinu dobrih supstrata za ovaj enzim. Isothermal titration calorimetry is a calorimetric method that is used to determine relevant thermodynamic parameters of certain interactions in solution, by measuring heat changes during chemical reactions. Aminopeptidase dipeptidyl-peptidase III is an enzyme carrying important functions in numerous physiological processes in organism. For instance, the enzyme takes part in defense mechanisms regarding oxidative stress as well as in mechanisms that prevent occurrence of certain tumors. Its role in final stages of protein degradation is also experimentally proven. This thesis discusses monitoring of binding of certain peptides on the above mentioned enzyme as well as impacts of binding, such as peptide’s potential inhibitory action. Both processes are monitored through isothermal titration calorimetry. It is concluded that big aryl substituents contribute to the inhibitory effect. Furthermore, dipeptidyl-2-naphthylamides and oligopeptides belong to the group of good substrates for the enzyme discussed in this thesis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE