Web-based learning: development, implementation and assessment of an undergraduate medical course

Autor: Bernardo, Viviane [UNIFESP]
Přispěvatelé: Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Sigulem, Daniel [UNIFESP]
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Repositório Institucional da UNIFESP
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
Popis: Objetivo: 0 objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver, implementar e avaliar um curso baseado na tecnologia Web em cirurgia experimental para alunos do curso de graduacao em Medicina da Universidade Federal do Estado de São Paulo (UNIFESPEPM). 0 curso tradicional em cirurgia experimental, baseado em palestras formais e atividades laboratoriais, e oferecido na grade curricular do terceiro ano medico desta Universidade. A parte teorica do curso foi desenvolvida e implementada na Web e oferecida aos alunos no segundo semestre do ano de 2001. A efetividade do curso, o ganho em conhecimento obtido pelos alunos e suas atitudes em relacao a este novo ambiente de aprendizado foram avaliados. Os processos de desenvolvimento e implementacao deste novo formato de curso tambem foram descritos e discutidos. Metodos: A populacao do estudo foi de 66 estudantes do terceiro ano medico desta Universidade que, durante cinco semanas, participaram do curso e o avaliaram. 0 desenho de pesquisa usado foi: Um Grupo Pre e Pos-teste Sem Grupo Controle. Seis questionarios de avaliacao baseados em uma escala de Likert de cinco pontos foram apresentados aos alunos no web site do curso. A efetividade do curso e o ganho dos alunos em conhecimento sobre cirurgia experimental foram determinados pela analise dos seguintes dados: os resultados das avaliacoes, as notas dos testes pre e pos-curso e as variaveis do rastreamento dos alunos. Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram niveis altos de funcionalidade do curso e de efetividade do seu material. 0 grau de aceitacao entre os estudantes tambem foi alto. 0 ganho em conhecimento foi estatisticamente significativo apos o curso (p < 0,001). A correlacao entre o ganho e o desempenho dos alunos na atividade interativa (notas do video quiz), embora positiva e significativa, foi muito fraca. Este estudo apresentou evidencias de que os videos interativos sao uteis para os cursos baseados na Web, especialmente por influenciarem no ganho em conhecimento. Nao houve correlacao entre o ganho e o tempo que os alunos gastaram navegando nas paginas do curso. Conclusoes: o Curso Teorico de Tecnica Operatoria e Cirurgia Experimental para a graduacao medica na Web foi desenvolvido e implementado com exito. A avaliacao realizada mostrou que o curso e efetivo e aceito entre os alunos. 0 material didatico on-line de alta qualidade, os graus elevados de funcionalidade e de aceitacao do curso...(au) Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a webbased course on experimental surgery for undergraduate medical students. The traditional experimental surgery course, based on formal lectures and laboratory activities, is part of the third-year medical curriculum of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP-EPM). The theoretical portion of the course was developed and implemented in a web-based format and offered to medical students in October 2002. The course effectiveness, the students’ knowledge gain and their attitude towards this new course format were assessed. The process involved in developing and implementing web-based learning was also described and discussed. Methods: The study population was composed of 66 third-year medical students from our University. During five weeks, these students attended the course and went through an evaluation process. The study design used was: One group pre- and post-tests design without control group. Six on-line evaluation questionnaires, consisting of fivepoint Likert scale questions, were submitted to the students. To determine the course effectiveness and the students´ knowledge gain, the following data were analyzed: the students´ evaluation results, their pre- and post- tests scores and their web session variables. Results: The results demonstrated high levels of course functionality, as well as the effectiveness of its material. The level of acceptance among medical students was also high. The students´ knowledge gain was statistically significant after the course (p < 0.001). Correlation between the students´ gain and their performance in the interactive activity (students´ video quiz grades) was very weak. This study presented evidences that videos quizzes are useful for web-based courses, especially for influencing the knowledge gain. Correlation between the gain and the time students spent on-line was not found. Conclusions: The development and the implementation of the web-based course on Experimental Surgery were successfully accomplished. The evaluation conducted showed that a web-based course for undergraduate medical students is effective and favorably accepted among them. The good quality of the on-line content, the high levels of course functionality and students’ acceptance contributed to its effectiveness. Hence, it will be adopted in the third-year undergraduate medical curriculum at UNIFESP-EPM. In order to increase the value of the Web in medical undergraduate settings, studies such as this should be widely implemented to help the teachers to adapt their pedagogy to this ever-changing medium, as well as to the needs and demands of medical students. We encourage to rethink medical curriculum strategies involving the Web. BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações
Databáze: OpenAIRE