The Curriculum Development to foster the Ability to Live in the Society Aimed at Social and Vocational Independence in Special Support Class of Junior High School

Autor: Hiwada, Yusuke, Odahara, Mai, Fujii, Tomoko, Nishi, Tsutomu, Wakamatsu, Akihiko
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: 中学教育 : 研究紀要. 46:101-123
ISSN: 1344-1531
Popis: グローバル化が一層進行するこれからの社会において,将来の就労を含む生活に向けた生活力の育成を目指し,時間割表の「職業・家庭」に新たに社会生活に関する内容を加味した教科「キャリアマネジメント」を教育課程に位置づけ,カリキュラム開発を行った。単元ごとの評価を観点別評価とキャリアの4能力によって授業を実践した結果,生徒や保護者・教員に対して学校設定教科のカリキュラムに一定の効果があった。指導内容の見直しなど,より一層の授業改善が今後の課題である。
In the society with the progress of the globalization, it is necessary to develop a new curriculum in order to foster the ability to live for the future life including career. The curriculum has 'Vocation and home' with a new subject 'Career Management' with the content about a social life. Each unit of the lessons were evaluated with a criteria referenced evaluation and four abilities of career. From the result, the lessons were improved and the effect of the curriculum was measured. As a consequence, to utilize the curriculum was effective in a degree for students, their parents, and teachers. However it is a future problem to make a review of the contents of the instruction and the lessons and examine a way of the evaluation.
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