Jezik i stil Jovana Mosha i Apophthegmata Patrum

Autor: Akad, Il
Přispěvatelé: Popović, Aleksandar, Loma, Aleksandar, Popović, Dušan
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Универзитет у Београду
Popis: Bavili smo se jezikom i stilom dvaju veoma važnih delima poznoantičke monaške književnosti, Luga duhovnog Jovana Mosha (c. 550 – 619), koji je pisan tokom Jovanovih putovanja po važnim monaškim centrima krajem šestog i početkom sedmog veka i Apophthegmata Patrum, nešto ranije zbirka izreka pustinjskih otaca, uglavnom egipatskih, koja je dobila oblik u kojem je sada poznajemo negde početkom šestog veka. Pisana jezikom veoma različitim od dela klasicističke (ili, možda bolje, aticističke) književnosti istog perioda, ova dva dela se, uz Hronografiju Jovana Malale (c. 491 – 578), uzimaju kao glavni predstavnici književnosti niskog stila, ponekad i kao, pored papirusa, najbolji izvori za proučavanje govornog grčkog jezika... In this dissertation we have studied the language and style of two very important works of late antique monastic literature, the Pratum Spirituale by John Moschus (c.550-634) written during his voyages to the most important monastic centres in the late sixth and early seventh century, and Apophthegmata Patrum, a somewhat earlier compilation of sayings of desert fathers, mostly Egyptian, which took its earliest form we know today sometime in the early sixth century. Written in a language very different from the one used in classicist (or, maybe more accurately, Atticist) literature, these two works are, along with Chronography of John Malalas (c. 491-578), considered to be the most important representatives of the literature of the low stylistic level, and sometimes together with papyri as the best source for the vernacular Greek of the period...
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