Islamic State's interpretation of Islam and Islamic law concerning women's rights

Autor: Pucelj, M., Jusić, A., Hafner, A., Zajc, J. C.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Teorija in praksa
Popis: The paper presents a study on women's rights in the self-declared Islamic State through an analysis of the content of the pamphlet entitled "Women in the Islamic State", which is the first written document that provides detailed insight into this radical Sunni Islamist militant group's conception of women. The study points out the basic ambivalence of the pamphlet, which is expressed as the contrast between the declared and the actual role of women in Islamic State, as well as the contradiction between the desired domestic role of women and encouragement for participation in armed conflicts. The pamphlet uses reductionist and traditional interpretations of citations from the Qur'an. Članek z analizo vsebine manifesta Ženske v Islamski državi, prvega pisnega dokumenta radikalne sunitske islamistično-militantne skupine s podrobnejšim vpogledom v dojemanje žensk, predstavlja študijo pravic žensk v samooklicani Islamski državi. Študija opozarja na temeljno ambivalentnost dokumenta, ki je izražen kot razlika med razglašeno in dejansko vlogo žensk v Islamski državi kot tudi nasprotje med želeno vlogo žensk kot gospodinj in spodbujanjem le-teh z namenom sodelovanja v oboroženih spopadih. Dokument uporablja redukcionistične in tradicionalne interpretacije citatov iz Korana.
Databáze: OpenAIRE