Pre and post-flood retention efficiency of nitrogen in a Sonoran Desert stream

Autor: Martí, Eugènia, Grimm, N. B., Fisher, S. G.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Popis: 7 figuras
The objectives of this study were 1) to compare Sonoran Desert streams with other streams in terms of retention efficiency of nitrate; 2) to examine the effects of a flood on nitrate retention and to determine which factors control nitrate retention in the surface stream subsystem in Sycamore Creek, Arizona; and 3) to compare the short-term nutrient addition technique with computations based upon natural nutrient gradients. From June to September 1995, we did 8 short-term nitrate and chloride additions (4 additions before and 4 after a flood) in a 240-m reach to measure nitrate uptake length as an index of surface stream retention efficiency of nitrate. We also calculated nitrate uptake lengths based on a natural downstream decline in nitrate concentration, using data from the addition dates and from previous studies. Nitrate uptake lengths measured in Sycamore Creek were short (
National Science Foundation's Ecosystem Studies Program (grant no. DEB-9306909 to S.G.F. and N.B.G.) and Long-Term Studies Program (grant no. DEB- 9615358 to N.B.G. and S.G.F.).
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