Učinci viška i manjka vode na fitokemijski sastav klijanaca brokule (Brassica oleracea convar. botrytis var. cymosa) i antioksidacijski potencijal njihovih ekstrakata

Autor: Litrić, Magdalena
Přispěvatelé: Šola, Ivana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Uvjeti u okolišu su determinante za proizvodnju bioaktivnih spojeva u biljkama. Zbog očiglednih ekstremnih klimatskih promjena, biljke su tijekom svog rasta i razvoja sve češće izložene abiotskih stresovima poput poplava i suša, što u konačnici dovodi do njihove metaboličke adaptacije. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je usporediti nutritivni potencijal klijanaca brokule uzgojenih u uvjetima viška i manjka vode u tlu na razini različitih skupina fitokemikalija, te antioksidacijskog kapaciteta njihovih ekstrakata i sposobnosti inhibicije glikacija proteina. U tu svrhu korištene su različite spektrofotometrijske metode, te metoda tekućinske kromatografije visoke moći razlučivanja. Klijanci brokule u smislu prinosa, tj. biomase bolje toleriraju poplavu u odnosu na sušu. Suša je uzrokovala povećanje udjela ukupnih fenola, antocijana, kondenziranih tanina, topivih i reducirajućih šećera, klorofila b, porfirina, feofitina b, sinapinske kiseline, vitamina C, antioksidacijskog kapaciteta određenog metodom ABTS, te postotka inhibicije glikacije. S druge strane, poplava je povisila udio ukupnih flavonoida, flavonola, intaktnih glukozinolata, ferulične kiseline, kvercetina, kempferola, te utječe i na povišenje antioksidacijskog kapaciteta određenog metodama DPPH te FRAP. Navedeni spojevi očigledno imaju značajnu ulogu u prilagodbi klijanaca brokule na vodni stres. Osim navedenih, udjeli mnogih spojeva nisu se značajno promijenili bez obzira radi li se o uvjetima suše ili poplave, primjerice ukupne hidroksicimetne kiseline, tanini, klorofil a, feofitin a, karotenoidi te likopen. Environmental conditions are determinants for the production of bioactive compounds in plants. Due to the obvious extreme climate changes, abiotic stresses such as floods and droughts are increasingly becoming important factors in growth and development of plants, which ultimately leads to their metabolic adaptation. The aim of this thesis was to compare the nutritional potential of broccoli seedlings grown in conditions of excess or lack of water in the soil at the level of different groups of phytochemicals, the antioxidant capacity of their extracts and the ability to inhibit protein glycation. For that reason, differenty spectrophotometric methods and high performance liquid chromatography methods were used. In terms of yield, i.e. biomass, broccoli seedlings tolerate flooding better than drought. Drought caused an increase in the proportion of total phenols, anthocyanins, condensed tannins, soluble and reducing sugars, chlorophyll b, porphyrin, pheophytin b, sinapic acid, vitamin C, antioxidant capacity determined by the ABTS method, and the percentage of glycation inhibition. On the other hand, the flood increased the proportion of total flavonoids, flavonols, intact glucosinolates, ferulic acid, quercetin, kaempferol, and also the antioxidant capacity determined by the DPPH and FRAP methods. The aforementioned compounds obviously play a significant role in the adaptation of broccoli seedlings to water stress. Many of the compounds, except the aforementioned ones, did not show any significant change regardless of drought or flood conditions, for example total hydroxycinnamic acids, tannins, chlorophyll a, pheophytin a, carotenoids and lycopene
Databáze: OpenAIRE