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Završni rad se bavi problematikom sekundarne čvrstoće strukture dvodna odnosno konstrukcije roštilja dvodna, broda za rasuti teret pri nepovoljnim stanjima krcanja kao što je alternativno stanje krcanja. U radu su kratko izneseni najosnovnije značajke brodova za rasuti teret, te je dana kratka teoretska osnova analitičkih metoda proračuna konstrukcije dvodna. Tokom ovog rada napravljen je proračun konstrukcije roštilja dvodna broda za rasuti teret kao i analiza senzitivnosti parametara koji utječu na odzivne varijable konstrukcije dobivene proračunom. Proračun konstrukcije roštilja dvodna je proveden analitički metodom proračuna dvodna kao ortotropne ploče te numerički uz upotrebu metode konačnih elemenata pomoću programskog paketa MAESTRO. Analiza senzitivnosti se temeljila na upotrebi statističke metode analize varijance koja je primijenjena upotrebom programskog paketa Design expert. The Bachelor paper deals with the issue of secondary strength of the bulk carrier’s double bottom structure (double bottom grillage) when subjected to adverse loading conditions such as alternative loading condition. This paper briefly presents the basic features of bulk carriers, and gives a short theoretical basis of analytical methods for structural analysis of double bottom. During this work, structural analysis calculations of bulk carrier’s double bottom grillage structure were carried out as well as the sensitivity analysis of parameters that influence the response variables obtained by the structure analysis calculations. The structural analysis calculations of double bottom structure were performed both analytically and numerically. The analytical calculations were performed by using an analytical method for structural analysis of orthotropic plates, while the numerical calculations were carried out using the finite element method with the use of the software package MAESTRO. Sensitivity analysis was based on the use of statistical method of analysis of variance, which was applied using a software package Design expert. |