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Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj vrste žitarica (kukuruz i zob) i njihova usitnjavanja kao dodatka sjenaži lucerne (SL) na ad libitum konzumaciju i in vivo probavljivost suhe tvari (ST) obroka u hranidbi kastriranih ovnova. Istraživano je 5 hranidbenih tretmana koji su uključili hranidbu (i) samo SL te hranidbu SL uz dodatak 30 g (ii) zrna kukuruza, (iii) mljevenog zrna kukuruza, (iv) zrna zobi, (v) mljevenog zrna zobi kg-1 M0,75 . Najveću ad libitum konzumaciju ST je imao hranidbeni tretman samo SL (P0,05). Usitnjavanje zrna kukuruza nije utjecalo na ad libitum konzumaciju ST obroka (P>0,05) dok je usitnjavanje zrna zobi povećalo ad libitum konzumaciju ST obroka u usporedbi s dodatkom cijelog zrna zobi (P0,05). Zaključeno je da vrsta žitarica kao i njezino mehaničko tretiranje mljevenjem prije dodatka SL i hranidbe životinjama pokazuje promjenjive biološke rezultate konzumacije i probavljivosti obroka. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of cereal type (maize and oat) and their particle size as supplements to alfalfa haylage (AH) on the ration ad libitum dry matter (DM) intake and in vivo digestibility in wether sheep. The research comprised 5 feeding treatments including (i) AH only and AH supplemented with 30 g of (ii) corn grain, (iii) minced corn grain, (iv) oat grain and (v) minced oat grain kg-1 M0.75. The highest ad libitum DM intake had only AH feeding treatment (P < 0.05) in comparison with other feeding treatments. The lowest ad libitum DM intake had a feeding treatment with minced oat supplementation to AH (P < 0.05) compared to other feeding treatments. The highest in vivo DM digestibility was determined in whole or minced corn grain supplementation to AH (P < 0.05) compared with other feeding treatments, and between the two no statistically significant differences were determined (P>0.05). Grinding of corn grain did not influence ad libitum DM intake (P>0.05) while oat grain grinding increased ad libitum DM intake (P 0.05). It was concluded that a cereal type as well as their mechanical treatment by cutting and grinding before supplemented to AH and fed to animals shows varaible biological results in terms of forage intake and digestibility. |