Process intensification: a balance between product and process innovation

Autor: Graaff, M.P. de, Swinkels, P.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Specialty Chemicals Magazine, Oktober, 18, 109
Popis: Martijn de Graaff of TNO and Pieter Swinkels of TU Delft discuss the challenges of implementing process intensification in new product and process innovation. The Delft Product & Process Design Institute at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands (TU Delft) has seen over 100 case studies on product and process innovation that PDEng trainees solve for industry as part of their post-MSc designer traineeship. And, although efficient processes, minimal energy use and less waste are essential to addressing the needs of a growing world population, process innovation is often considered to be secondary to product innovation.
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