Study of plasma incineration processes in ecological waste recycling technologies

Autor: Anakhov, S. V., Matushkin, A. V., Dorozhkin, E. M., Lyzhin, A. I., Pyckin, Y. A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
Popis: The processes of high temperature material heating for plasma recycling are investigated. The gas-dynamic parameters of the air-plasma flow in the plasma torch mixing chamber for ecology technologies are determined by methods of mathematical modeling. The characteristic temperatures, velocities and heating times of the utilized gas in different areas of the mixing chamber are determined. The directions of further research and development necessary to create a technology of plasma recycling with maximum efficiency are outlined. The issues of plasma recycling introduction at certain stages of high-temperature technologies are also considered. © 2019 Anakhov et al. Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 19-08-00190 The work is executed at support of RFBR grant 19-08-00190.
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