Ecological studies of Macaranga tanarius (L.) MUELL.-ARG. (I) : Mophological studies and chlorophyll contents of leaves (Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology)

Autor: Nakasuga, Tsuneo, Hayashi, Koji, Boonthavikoon, Thirawat
Jazyk: japonština
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: 琉球大学農学部学術報告 = The Science Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture. University of the Ryukyus. 38:223-227
ISSN: 0370-4246
Popis: 1. オオバギ(Macaranga tanarius (L.) MUELL.-ARG.) の葉の外部形態とクロロフィル含量について,1989年11月より1990年2月間に実験を行った。2. オオバギの葉の外部形態は,平均葉身長が189mm,平均葉身幅が127mm,平均葉生重が3.5g,平均葉乾重比は0.3477であった。3. 葉柄生重と葉面積との関係には高い相関(r=(0.9208)^)がみられた。一方,葉柄長と葉乾重及び葉柄長と葉柄生重との関係は,相関係数が各々,0.5725,0.6866であった。4. (葉身長×葉身幅)と葉面積との関係は直線Y=0.6481X-1.4205(r=(0.9766)^) で近似できた。葉身長及び葉身幅のどちらか一方のみでも充分で,前者はr=(0.9369)^,後者はr=(0.9719)^であった。5. 葉緑素計値と葉緑素含量との関係は,Y=0.0704X-0.0523(r=(0.9547)^)で近似できた。6. オオバギは典型的な先駆樹種であるが,重り合わない葉の配置に葉柄が大きい役目をしている。
Tree species of genous Macaranga is one of the typical pioneer in the tropical secondary forest. Macaranga tanarius (L.) MUELL.-ARG. has same situation in the sub-tropical forest of the Ryukyu Islands. Size and chlorophyll content of the leaves of Macaranga tanarius were studied in the southern part of Okinawa Island from November, 1989 to February 1990. Average values of length and width of the blades were 189mm and 127mm. respectively. Average fresh weight of the blades was 3.5g and dry weight ratio of it was 0.3477 in average. Relationship between fresh weight of the petiole and area of the leaves showed high correlation (r=0.9208). Correlation coeficient between lenghth or width of the blades and area of the leaves was high (r=0.9369 and 0.9719), accordingly. leaf area can be estimated by using the length or width of blade. Estimation values of the chlorophyll content of the leaves and the count of chlorophyll meter showed high statistical level in between. Leaf arrangement of a shoot of Macaranga tanarius was mainly desided by the behavior of petiole which is continuing elongation growth after that of blade.
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