Modeling energy flexibility of low energy buildings utilizing thermal mass

Autor: Kyriaki Foteinaki, Alfred Heller, Carsten Rode
Zdroj: Technical University of Denmark Orbit
Foteinaki, K, Heller, A & Rode, C 2016, Modeling energy flexibility of low energy buildings utilizing thermal mass . in Proceedings of the 9th international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation & energy conservation in buildings . 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality Ventilation & Energy Conservation In Buildings, Songdo, Korea, Republic of, 23/10/2016 .
Popis: In the future energy system a considerable increase in the penetration of renewable energy is expected, challenging the stability of the system, as both production and consumption will have fluctuating patterns. Hence, the concept of energy flexibility will be necessary in order for the consumption to match the production patterns, shifting demand from on-peak hours to off-peak hours. Buildings could act as flexibility suppliers to the energy system, through load shifting potential, provided that the large thermal mass of the building stock could be utilized for energy storage. In the present study the load shifting potential of an apartment of a low energy building in Copenhagen is assessed, utilizing the heat storage capacity of the thermal mass when the heating system is switched off for relieving the energy system. It is shown that when using a 4-hour preheating period before switching off the heating system, the thermal mass of the building releases sufficient heat to maintain the operative temperature above 20⁰C for 15 hours. This potential increases with longer preheating period. The thermal behaviour of the external envelope and internal walls is examined, identifying the heat losses of the external envelope and the thermal capacity of the internal walls as the main parameters that affect the load shifting potential of the apartment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE