The effect of postoperative gemcitabine on overall survival in an unselected national Danish cohort of patients with pancreatic cancer treated with curative resection

Autor: Rasmussen, Louise Skau, Vittrup, B, Ladekarl, M., Pfeiffer, P, Yilmaz, Mette Karen, Poulsen, Laurids Østergaard, Hansen, C. P., Mortensen, M B, Mortensen, F.V., Sall, M, Falkmer, Ursula Gerda Inge, Fristup, C
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Rasmussen, L S, Vittrup, B, Ladekarl, M, Pfeiffer, P, Yilmaz, M K, Poulsen, L Ø, Hansen, C P, Mortensen, M B, Mortensen, F V, Sall, M, Falkmer, U G I, Fristup, C, Danish Pancreatic Cancer Group & Yilmaz, M K 2018, The effect of postoperative gemcitabine on overall survival in an unselected national Danish cohort of patients with pancreatic cancer treated with curative resection . in Danske Kræftforskningsdage : Abstract Book ., #110, pp. 119, Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2018, Odense, Denmark, 30/08/2018 .
Rasmussen, L S, Vittrup, B, Ladekarl, M, Pfeiffer, P, Yilmaz, M K, Poulsen, L Ø, Hansen, C P, Mortensen, M B, Mortensen, F V, Sall, M, Falkmer, U G I, Fristup, C, Danish Pancreatic Cancer Group & Yilmaz, M K 2018, ' The effect of postoperative gemcitabine on overall survival in an unselected national Danish cohort of patients with pancreatic cancer treated with curative resection ', Danske Kræftforskningsdage 2018, Odense, Denmark, 30/08/2018-31/08/2018 .
Databáze: OpenAIRE