Drug Addiction: Self-perception and Clinical Data on Oral Health

Autor: Santos, Bianca Fernanda Espósito, Da-Ré, Eduardo Luiz, Silva, Gabriela Pereira, Bello, Gabriel Ferreira, Fernandes, Leandro Araújo, De Lima, Daniela Coelho
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion; Vol. 28 No. 4 (2015): Outubro-Dezembro; 479-486
Revista Brasileña en Promoción de la Salud; Vol. 28 Núm. 4 (2015): Outubro-Dezembro; 479-486
Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde; v. 28 n. 4 (2015): Outubro-Dezembro; 479-486
Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde
Universidade de Fortaleza (Unifor)
Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion; Vol. 28 No. 4 (2015); 479-486
Revista Brasileña en Promoción de la Salud; Vol. 28 Núm. 4 (2015); 479-486
Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde; v. 28 n. 4 (2015); 479-486
ISSN: 1806-1230
Popis: Objective: This study aimed to report self-perception of oral and general health condition of drug-addicts in recuperative stage. Material and methods: Data-collection instrument was a semi-structured questionnaire that broached subjects like: socioeconomic status, self-perception of oral health, access to dental care, relationship with the dentist, among others. Results: When asked about frequency of daily brushing, only 30.5% reported three times a day. Furthermore, it was found that 53.8% of respondents had dentin sensitivity; 41.0% had dry mouth and bad breath; 30.8% alleged bruxism and teeth grinding (28.2%). The same 30.8% reported loosening of one or more elements and 33.3% reported pain in at least one tooth. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that self-perception of oral health condition of inmates was unsatisfying; besides, it was possible to check the harmful effects of drugs in general health and poor oral hygiene habits by ex-drug addicts as well. Objetivo: Relatar la auto percepción de individuos drogadictos que estaban en proceso de recuperación, respecto las condiciones socio-demográficas y la salud general y bucal. Métodos: Estudio transversal y descriptivo realizado en un centro de recuperación para drogadicción en Alfenas, Minas Gerais, Brasil, en 2015, com 39 hombres con más de 18 años. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de un cuestionario semiestructurado que investigaba la posición socioeconómica, la auto percepción de la salud general y bucal, El acceso al cuidado dental, la relación con el dentista y otros temas. Para evaluar la auto percepción de la salud bucal la variable fue dividida en “satisfactoria” y “no satisfactoria” la cual refiere a los conocimientos del individuo sobre la buena o mala condición de salud bucal utilizando la prueba de Exacto de Fisher con El 5% de nivel de significancia. Resultados: Las enfermedades más frecuentes fueron la depresión con el 35,90% (n=14), el insomnio con el 35,9%, (n=14) y dolor de cabeza recurrente (23,1%; n=9); sin embargo, el 61,50% (n=24) de los participantes relataron no enfermarse con facilidad lo que contrasta con su auto percepción. Respecto a la salud bucal, solamente el 30,50% (n=12) de los participantes relataron cepillar los dientes tres veces al día; El 53,80% (n=21) tuvieron hipersensibilidad dental; el 41,00% (n=16) tuvieron la sensación de boca seca y mal aliento; El 30,80% (n=12) reclamaron de bruxismo y relataron tener uno o más dientes perdidos; el 28,20% (n=11) relataron apretar los dientes de manera exagerada y el 33,30% (n=13) relataron tener dolor de diente. Conclusión: La auto percepción de los individuos - por abajo de los 30 años, solteros, blancos o mulatos - respecto su salud general fue contradictoria ya que clasificaron como buena aunque reportaron la depresión, el insomnio y La pérdida de peso; además, la salud bucal fue considerada pobre con condiciones no satisfactorias, las cuales resalta los efectos nocivos de la substancia abusiva. Objective: To report the self-perception of substance-abusing individuals who were in a recovery process regarding sociodemographic conditions and general and oral health. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in a recovery center for drug addiction in Alfenas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2015, with 39 men aged over 18 years old. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire that addressed: socioeconomic status, selfperception of general and oral health, access to dental care, relationship with the dentist, and other issues. In order to assess the self-perception of oral health, the variable was dichotomized into “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory”, which refer to what the individual acknowledges as a good or poor condition of oral health, using Fisher’s exact test with 5% significance level. Results: Most frequent diseases were depression, 35.90% (n=14), insomnia, 35.9%, (n=14) and recurring headache (23.1%; n=9); however, 61.50% (n=24) of the participants reported not getting sick easily, which contrasts with their self-perception. Regarding oral health, only 30.50% (n=12) of the participants reported brushing their teeth three times a day; 53.80% (n=21) had dentinal hypersensitivity; 41.00% (n=16) had dry mouth and bad breath; 30.80% (n=12) claimed to have bruxism and reported having one or more loose teeth; 28.20% (n=11) reported clenching the teeth in an exaggerated way, and 33.30% (n=13) reported feeling tooth pain. Conclusion: The self-perception of individuals – under 30 years old, single, white or mulattos – regarding their general health was contradictory, as they rated it as good but have reported depression, insomnia and weight loss; additionally, oral health was considered poor with unsatisfactory conditions, which highlights the harmful effects of substance abuse.
Databáze: OpenAIRE