A Translational Model of Incomplete Catch-Up Growth: Early-Life Hypoxia and the Effect of Physical Activity

Autor: Radom-Aizik, Shlomit, Zaldivar, Frank P, Nance, Dwight M, Haddad, Fadia, Cooper, Dan M, Adams, Gregory R
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Clinical and translational science, vol 11, iss 4
Popis: Advances in therapies have led to prolonged survival from many previously lethal health threats in children, notably among prematurely born babies and those with congenital heart disease. Evidence for catch-up growth is common in these children, but in many cases the adult phenotype is never achieved. A translational animal model is required in which specific tissues can be studied over a reasonable time interval. We investigated the impact of postnatal hypoxia (HY) (12%O2 (HY12) or 10% O2 (HY10)) on growth in rats relative to animals raised in room air. Subgroups had access to running wheels following the HY period. Growth was fully compensated in adult HY12 rats but not HY10 rats. The results of this study indicate that neonatal hypoxia can be a useful model for the elucidation of mechanisms that mediate successful catch-up growth following neonatal insults and identify the critical factors that prevent successful catch-up growth.
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