Effectiveness of the methods of electric cardiac stimulation and low-energy cardioversion-defibrillation in the prevention and treatment of ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation | Effektivnost’ metodov élektrokardiostimuliatsii, nizko- énergetichesko? kardioversii-defibrilliatsii v preduprezhdenii i lechenii zheludochkovykh takhikardi? i fibrilliatsii zheludochkov

Autor: Pekarski, V. V., Gimrikh, E. O., Oferkin, A. I., Maslov, M. G., Vecherski, I. I., Sergey Popov, Pekarskaia, M. V., Porotov, A. V.
Zdroj: ResearcherID
Sergey Popov
Databáze: OpenAIRE