The epidemiology of the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and their combination among the male population in the cities of different regions of the CIS Nations and Baltic states. A cooperative study | Epidemiologiia faktorov riska serdechno-sosudistykh zabolevaniǐ i ikh kombinatsii sredi muzhskogo naseleniia v gorodakh razlichnykh regionov SNG i pribaltiǐskikh gosudarstv. Kooperativnoe issledovanie

Autor: Konstantinov, V. V., Zhukovskiǐ, G. S., Burlutskiǐ, G. I., Malakhov, V. N., Konstantinova, O. S., Kapustina, A. V., Shestov, D. B., Alexander Deev, Smirnova, I. P., Serova, N. V.
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Databáze: OpenAIRE