The Role of Antioxidant Vitamins in Periodontal Health

Autor: Doğan, Burak, Yılmaz, Gülin, Fentoğlu, Özlem, Kırzıoğlu, Fatma
Jazyk: turečtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Volume: 1, Issue: 2 133-141
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi
ISSN: 2146-1937
Popis: Although dental plaque is the primary etiologic factor in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, tissue destruction is thought to be caused by inappropriate response of the host tissue against the microorganisms and their products. Recent studies show that periodontal tissue destruction has occurred as a result of imbalance between activity of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defence system. More recently, therapeutic approaches concerned with antioxidant molecules have come into prominence among the issues including preservation and reconstruction of periodontal health. In this review, the effects of vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A which are non-enzymatic antioxidants on periodontal tissues are summarized. Keywords: Antioxidant, Periodontal disease, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E
ÖzetPeriodontal hastalık patogenezinde primer etiyolojik faktör dental plak olmakla birlikte doku yıkımına, mikroorganizma ve ürünlerine karşı gelişen, uygun olmayan konak doku cevabının neden olduğu düşünülmektedir. Yakın dönem çalışmalar periodontal doku yıkımının reaktif oksijen türlerinin aktivitesi ve antioksidan defans sistemi arasındaki dengenin bozulması sonucu meydana geldiğini göstermektedir. Periodontal sağlığın korunması ve yeniden kazanılmasında, antioksidan moleküllerle ilgili terapötik yaklaşımlar son zamanlarda önem kazanan konular arasındadır. Bu derlemede enzimatik olmayan antioksidanlardan C vitamini, E vitamini ve A vitamininin periodontal dokular üzerine etkisi özetlenmiştir.Anahtar kelimeler: Antioksidan, periodontal hastalık, C vitamini, A vitamini, E vitaminiAbstractAlthough dental plaque is the primary etiologic factor in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, tissue destruction is thought to be caused by inappropriate response of the host tissue against the microorganisms and their products. Recent studies show that periodontal tissue destruction has occurred as a result of imbalance between activity of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defence system. More recently, therapeutic approaches concerned with antioxidant molecules have come into prominence among the issues including preservation and reconstruction of periodontal health. In this review, the effects of vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A which are non-enzymatic antioxidants on periodontal tissues are summarized. Keywords: Antioxidant, Periodontal disease, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E
Databáze: OpenAIRE