Foreclosures in Denmark:An analysis of the properties, debt and households concerned

Autor: Haldrup, Karin, Staunstrup, Jan Kloster, Zangenberg Hansen, Jonas, Hvid Jørgensen, Esben
Jazyk: dánština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Haldrup, K, Staunstrup, J K, Zangenberg Hansen, J & Hvid Jørgensen, E 2015, Tvangsauktioner i Danmark : En undersøgelse af de berørte ejendomme, gældsudvikling og ejere . bind 1, 1 udg, Boligøkonomisk Videncenter BVC, Copenhagen . < >
Popis: Aalborg Universitet og DREAM har analyseret 12.865 boliger solgt på tvangsauktion i perioden 2007-12. Desuden er der foretaget detaljerede analyser af 3.606 tvangsauktionssager i de tre retskredse Roskilde, Næstved og Nykøbing Falster. Disse kredse omfatter 14 kommuner, hvoraf mange har været særligt belastet af tvangsauktioner. I analysen anvendes flere metoder til at belyse og kvantificere de sammensatte årsager bag en tvangsauktion. Herunder betragtes det, hvilke faktorer, der var relateret til ejendommens karakter og beliggenhed, til boligmarkedets udvikling, til husstandens profil og til kredithistorien.​​ The research analysed foreclosures in the Danish housing sector during the crisis 2007-2012 by triangulation of methods and by use of detailed register and case data. Statistical analysis and mapping covered all (12.865) privately owned one-family dwellings properties and households on auction during the period. In addition information on 3606 legal case information was analysed. Causes leading to foreclosure were described through analysis of - The character and location of dwellings on auction- The ownership history and the outstanding debt at the auction - The socio-economic profile of the household concerned tracked over time. The results include a typology of housing property on auction; distribution maps and statistics; and development of indicators on composite causes leading to foreclosure, including structural changes in the housing market. The research set up statistical models on risks of foreclosure using detailed time series of household data. Foreclosures are effective in Denmark, and despite high levels of endebtedness only in average 8 promille of single Family dwellings went through foreclosure during the crisis. It was documented that the concerned households typically had experienced a prior drop in household income over about three years preceeding the auction. The profile of households with higher risks were described. Higher than average frequences could partially be explained by the nature of the property and structural changes in the housing market.
Databáze: OpenAIRE