Advanced multibeam antenna configurations based on reflectarrays for communication satellites in K- and Ka-Bands

Autor: Martínez de Rioja del Nido, Eduardo María, Martínez de Rioja del Nido, José Daniel, Encinar Garcinuño, José Antonio, Pino García, Antonio, González Valdés, Borja, Rodríguez Vaqueiro, Yolanda, Arias Acuña, Marcos, Toso, Giovanni
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: IEEE Antennas and propagation magazine, ISSN 1045-9243, 2019-10, Vol. 61, No. 5
Archivo Digital UPM
Popis: This paper presents some recent developments in multiple beam antennas (MBAs) based on reflectarrays for communication satellites in K-and Ka-bands. The existing high through put satellites commonly employ four reflector antennas to provide cellular coverage formed by multiple spot beams in a four color scheme. Reflectarray antennas are proposed as an attractive solution for the design of novel MBA configurations to produce multi-spot coverage with a smaller number of apertures than conventional MBA systems based on reflector technology. Single and dual reflectarray configurations have been considered for this purpose, exploiting the reflectarrays’ ability to produce independent beams in different polarizations and frequencies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE