Razlikovanje nužnosti boga u Aristotela i Tome Akvinskog

Autor: Lalić, Andrea
Přispěvatelé: Sunajko, Goran
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: U radu su prikazana dva različita metafizička sistema u kojima je vidljivo razlikovanje nužnosti boga. Aristotelova metafizika supstancije boga pojmi kao najvišu supstanciju, čistu formu, on je pojam koji predstavlja apodiktičku nužnost. Misleći isključivo sebe samoga on nema direktnog utjecaja na svijet. Akvinčeva metafizika bitka izgrađena je na temeljima Aristotelove metafizike pod utjecajem kršćanstva što ga je dovelo do drukčijih zaključaka. Svijet nije vječan, on je stvoren, a stvorio ga je svemogući Bog pojmljen kao osoba, Bog koji ima volju i nalazi se izvan stvorenog svijeta kojeg ontološki podržava. Bitak je osnova njegove metafizike jer sva stvorenja participiraju na Božjem bitku koji im omogućuje da jesu jer jedino su u Bogu bit i bitak izjednačeni što ga čini nužnim. The paper describes two different metaphysical systems in which the distinction between the necessity of god is visible. Aristotle's metaphysics of substance conceives god as the supreme substance, pure form, within the eternal and uncreated world, he is a concept that represents apodictic necessity. Considering solely himself he does not influence the world as such. Aquinas' metaphysics of being was built on the foundations of Aristotle's metaphysics under the influence of Christianity which led him to different conclusions. The world is not eternal, it was created, and it was created by an almighty God conceived as a person, a God who has a will and is outside the created world that he ontologically supports. Being is the basis of his metaphysics because all creatures participate in God’s being which allows them to exist because only in God are essence and being equal which makes him a necessity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE