SEMEOTICONS - Description of SEMEOTICONS reference dataset

Autor: Colantonio S., Giorgi D., Coppini G., Morales M., Favilla R., Mazzarisi A., Chiarugi F., Stromberg T., Larsson M., Randeberg L., Matuszewski B.J.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Project report, SEMEOTICONS, Deliverable D1.3, 2015
Popis: This report describes the data that were include in the SEMEOTICONS reference data set following the acquisition campaign held in Pisa in May 2014 (Task 1.3). The Campaign saw the participation of all partners involved both in semeiotic modelling of cardio-metabolic risk and in developing methods to extract computational descriptor of facial sign of CM risk.
Databáze: OpenAIRE