Atmospheric plasma-enhanced spatial-ALD of InZnO for high mobility thin film transistors

Autor: Illiberi, A., Katsouras, I., Gazibegovic, S., Cobb,B., Nekovic, E., Boekel, W. van, Frijters, C., Maas, J., Roozeboom, F., Creyghton, Y., Gelinck, G.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, 4, 36
Popis: In this manuscript, the authors investigate the growth of indium zinc oxide, indium zinc oxide (InZnO, IZO) as a channel material for thin-film transistors. IZO is grown at atmospheric pressure and a high deposition rate using spatial atomic layer deposition (S-ALD). By varying the ratio of diethylzinc and trimethylindium vapor, the In/(In þ Zn) ratio of the film can be accurately tuned in the entire range from zinc oxide to indium oxide. Thin film transistors with an In to Zn ratio of 2:1 show high field-effect mobility—exceeding 30 cm2/V s—and excellent stability. The authors demonstrate large scale integration in the form of 19-stage ring oscillators operating at 110 kHz. These electrical characteristics, in combination with the intrinsic advantages of atomic layer deposition, demonstrate the great potential of S-ALD for future display production.
Databáze: OpenAIRE