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Ritmička gimnastika je sport koji objedinjuje aspekte umjetnosti poput plesa i baletatesporta kroz gimnastičke pokrete.To je sport koji stimulira razvoj komponenti tjelesne kondicije svih dijelova tijela, odnosno mišićne snage i izdržljivost.Bitno je naglasiti kako ritmička gimnastika spada u kategoriju individualnih sportova, stoga je tehnike u ritmičkoj gimnastici zahtijevno savladati. Kretanja u ritmičkoj gimnastici zahtijevaju dobre motoričke vještine koje su neophodne za usvajanje elemenata te usklađenost pokreta koji prati glazbu. Također, važno je zasebno raditi na razvoju tjelesne vještine i vještine s rekvizitima. Tijekom uvodno pripremog dijela sata organizira se priprema za elemente koje će gimnastičarka kasnije izvoditi tijekom korištenja rekvizita. Osnovni elementi u ritmičkoj gimnastici su: hodanje, trčanje, plesni koraci, skokovi; zamasi, kruženja, valovita gibanja, osmice, preskoci i skokovi, okreti i piruete,elementi ravnoteže i akrobatike. Ritmička gimnastika je sport u kojemu koriste i rekviziti (vijača, obruč, lopta, čunjevi, traka). Tijekom uvježbavanja tijelo izvodi osnovne prirodne pokrete. Uz glazbu i graciozne pokrete tijela, vježbe s rekvizitima su ono što ritmičku gimnastiku čini posebnom jer doprinosi skladnom razvoju tijela te plijeni svojom ljepotom i atraktivnošću. Svaki rekvizit ima svoje specifičnosti i osobitosti u gibanjima koje se moraju savladati da bi se vježba mogla koreografirati prema zahtjevima Pravilnika ritmičke gimnastike.Kod pokazivanja pojedinih elemenata ili same vježbe trener/ica najprije treba objasniti svrhu i djelovanje vježbe( Krameršek 1952). Metodika poučavanja elemenata ritmičke gimnastike, uči u tri etape: 1. Etapa: „percepcija elementa, stvaranje predodžbe, učenje, otklanjanje pogrešaka, samostalno izvođenje“ (Wolf-Cvitak 2004:136), 2. Etapa: „mnogobrojna ponavljanja, utvrđivanje i usavršavanje motoričkog znanja, povećanje brzine i preciznosti izvođenja elementa sve do automatizacije“ (Wolf-Cvitak 2004:136), 3. Etapa: „nadograđivanje elemenata, izvođenje istog elementa u težnoj varijanti ili u kombinaciji s drugim elementima“ (Wolf-Cvitak 2004:136). Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that unites arts such as dance and ballet and sports through gymnastic movements. It is a sport thatstimulates the development off all components physical condition for all parts of the body, like muscle strength and endurance. It is important to emphasize that rhythmic gymnastics belongs to the category of individual sports,thereforethe techniques in rhythmic gymnastics are demanding to master. Movement in rhythmic gymnastics requires well-developed motor skills, which are necessary for the acquisition of elements. Also requires the harmony of the movements that accompany the music. It is important separately work on the development of physical skills and skills with props. During the introductory, preparatory part of the lesson, we are working on the selection of elements which the gymnast will perform later during the use of props. Basic elements used which are used in rhythmic gymnastics are: walking, running, dance steps, jumps, swings, circling, undulating movements, figure eights, skips and jumps, turns and pirouettes, elements of balance and acrobatics. Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which props are used (screw, hoop, ball, cones and tape). During training the body performs basic natural movements. With music and graceful body movements,exercises with props makes the rhythmic gymnastics special. It contributes to the harmonious development of the body and captivates with its beauty and attractiveness. Each prop has its own specifics and particularities in movements, which must be mastered in order to be able to choreograph the exercise, according to the requirements of Rulebook of Rhythmic Gymnastics. When showing individual elements of the rhythmic gymnastics manual, or the exercises themselves, the trainer should first explain the purpose and the effect of exercise (Krameršek 1952). The methodology of teaching the elements of rhythmic gymnastics is taught through three stages: 1st stage: "perception of an element, creation of an image, learning, elimination of errors, independent performance (Wolf-Cvitak 2004:136), 2nd stage: "numerous repetitions, determination and improvement of motor skills, increasing the speed and precision of performing the element up to automation" (Wolf-Cvitak 2004:136), 3rd Stage: "upgrading elements, performing the same element in a more difficult variant or in combination with other elements" (Wolf-Cvitak 2004:136). |