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Tema ovog rada je konstrukcija prostetičke ljudske ruke, odnosno šake ljudske ruke. Prostetička ruka je naprava za koju se podrazumijeva da nadomješta čovjekov ud, tj čovjekovu ruku. Cilj rada je konstruirati i modelirati mehanizam i šaku ljudske ruke sa sposobnošću prihvata i manipulacije objekta. Konačan cilj je izrada prostetičke ruke niske cijene koja može konkurirati naprednim protezama takvog oblika sa svrhom poboljšanja kvalitete čovjekovog života, koja je narušena amputacijom uda. Konstruiranje i modeliranje izvršeno je u komercijalnom programskom paketu Catia P3 V5R21 SP3, tvrtke Dassault Systèmes (DS). U drugom poglavlju opisan je tijek nastanka proteze i njihovo mijenjanje kroz povijest. U trećem poglavlju provedeno je istraživanje tržišta te je donesen zaključak o provedenom istraživanju. U četvrtom poglavlju ukratko je objašnjen princip i način funkcioniranja ljudske šake. U petom poglavlju opisan je postupak razvoja novog proizvoda. U šestom poglavlju prikazana je konstrukcijska razrada i odabir koncepta proteze. U sedmom poglavlju ukratko su opisani postupci i materijal koji je predviđen za izradu proteze. U osmom poglavlju opsežno je opisan tijek modeliranja prostetičke šake i ostalih dijelova mehaničke proteze te njihovo sklapanje. Prikazan je konačan izgled proteze. Također je proveden izračun troškova izrade proteze postupkom taložnog očvršćivanja (e. fused deposition modeling - FDM) i postupak ispisivanja mlazom polimera (e. polyjet matrix). U završnom dijelu provedena je rasprava te je donesen zaključak o izradi i daljnjem razvoju proteze ove vrste. The theme of this thesis is the design of prosthetic human arm, more precisely human fist. Prosthetic arm is considered to be a device which will replace human limb, i.e. human arm. The aim of this thesis is to design the mechanism and human fist with the ability to accept and manipulate with objects. The ultimate goal is design of prosthetic arm withlow price that can compete with advanced prostheses of the same type and with the purpose of improving the quality of human life, which is reduced by amputation. Designing and modeling was carried out in a commercial software package Catia P3 V5R21 SP3, by company Dassault Systèmes (DS). Second chapter describes the course of developing implants and their changing throughout history. In the third chapter research on prosthetic arm market was conducted. and conclusion on research was adopted. In the fourth chapter it is briefly explained the principle and the way of functioning of the human fist. Fifth chapter describes the design of a new product. In the sixth chapter it is presented the development and selection of the concept of the prosthetic arm. In the seventh chapter technology and materials for production of the prosthesis are briefly described. Eighth chapterextensively describes the process of modeling prosthetic fist and other parts of the mechanical prostheses and their assembly. It is shown the final form of the prosthetic arm and the costs of making the prostheses by FDM and Polyjet technology. In the final chapter the debate was conducted and the conclusion was made on the production and further development of this type of prosthesis. |