Impact of the Environment on the Work of Career Practitioners: An Example from Serbia

Autor: Tijana Maksimovic
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Maksimovic, T 2015, ' Uticaj okruženja na rad karijernih praktičara: primer Srbije ', Andragoške studije, bind 2, s. 105-124 .
Aarhus University
Popis: Career guidance and counselling (CGC) is increasingly being recognised as animportant tool in education and employment policy, one that can support and facilitate lifelong learning. The contemporary environment requires individuals to develop their careers in a more flexible and less predictable way than previously, with lifelong mobility between education and the labour market, between employers and vocations. In this context, the classic careers approach of matching individuals with professions is no longer adequate, and it needs to be expanded through appropriate consideration of the social context in which careers and also CGC are developing. This requires a shift from a predominantly psychological focus and the inclusion of concepts and theories from sociology.This paper aims to contribute to the scanty existing empirical research from thisarea in Serbia, investigating the impact of the environment on CGC, specifically from the perspective of career practitioners. Through thematic analysis of interviews two key themes are recognised that relate to the micro– and macro environments of CGC: “limiting external circumstances” and “scepticism regarding policy”. Comparing the findings obtained with the results of sociological studies, the paper concludes that an additional sociological perspective is needed in the practice and theory of CGC in Serbia, and especiallyin the training of career practitioners.
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