Farmer heterogeneity and the greening of agriculture:The role of behavioural and financial-economic factors in explaining farming practices

Autor: Koetse, Mark J., Bouma, Jetske A.
Přispěvatelé: Bucciol, Alessandro, Tavoni, Alessandro, Veronesi, Marcella
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Koetse, M J & Bouma, J A 2023, Farmer heterogeneity and the greening of agriculture : The role of behavioural and financial-economic factors in explaining farming practices . in A Bucciol, A Tavoni & M Veronesi (eds), Behavioural Economics and the Environment : A Research Companion . Routledge, pp. 31-49 .
Popis: the greening of agriculture in Europe depends for a large part on the willingness of farmers to voluntarily change their practices – farmers receive subsidies for greening their practices but this is not sufficient to trigger the required transformation. In this chapter we assess the drivers of a representative sample of Dutch farmers to change their farming practices. Generally, the expectation of policy-makers is that innovative farmers (“the frontrunners”) will inspire others (“the followers”), but there has been limited research to analyse how frontrunner farmers differ from more follower type of farmers, and what this may imply in terms of policy. We present the results of a survey among a diverse set of farmers in the Netherlands, and analyse the behavioural and financial-economic factors that explain whether famers have invested in nature-inclusive practices on their land. We find that access to subsidies for agri-environmental management and premium prices are important, but that risk attitudes and intrinsic motivations also strongly affect farmer behaviour. Our findings suggest that policies that lower the risks of new farming practices, stimulate peer learning, facilitate hands-on advice for nature-inclusive practices, and provide financial resources for greening the farm, are likely to have a substantial impact on the transformation of agriculture. In addition, we find that frontrunner decisions are affected by different factors than follower decisions, implying one-size-fits-all policies aimed at enhancing an agricultural transition are likely to be ineffective, or at least inefficient.
Databáze: OpenAIRE