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Дају се неке од основних одлика говора села Сејаце, које се налази на тридесетак километара јужно од Врања и припада општини Бујановац. In this paper the author reports of some distinctive features of the village of Sejace speech. The village is situated 30 km south of Vranje, in the municipality of Bujanovac. The speech is of a kind that is characteristic to Prizren-SouthMorava area, with an old accent system, where the last open syllable accent shift took place (just like in the speech of Vranje). The sound system matches the one of Vranje and the villages of the western Pcinje area; personal pronoun system matches, too. Some morphological features are: 1st person singular present ending in —u, 3rd person plural present ending in -v using one form of active participle ending in -le, for all three genders, 1st person plural aorist ending in —mo (2nd person ending in -ste) and variant forms in the 1st person plural imperfect (- šemo and smo) and 3™ person plural (—šev(u) and —su). |