Frequency behaviour of Co-based amorphous wire MI-element

Autor: Orelj, Jelena, Mitrović, Nebojša S., Pavlović, Vladimir B.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Programme and the Book of abstracts / Twenty-second Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2021 Herceg Novi, Montenegro, August 30-September 3, 2021
Popis: This study presents magnetoimpedance (MI) effect of Co-based amorphous wire investigated at driving frequency range f  [50 Hz – 5 MHz]. The XRD pattern and EDX analysis confirmed amorphous structure and the main element content of CoFeSiB alloy. The critical frequency of about 7 kHz was observed as the point with the initial increase of magnetoimpedance. A maximum MI-ratio [Z(0) - Z(Hmax)] / Z(Hmax) of 334 % is attained at driving frequency of 900 kHz@ Hmax  4.63 kA/m.
Databáze: OpenAIRE