On the Categorial Values of Derivational Morphemes

Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Српски језик
Popis: Као полазиште у истраживању узимају се примери формација типа церт- ина, цер-ов-ина и цер-ина, потврђени у топонимији или и у апелативној лексици. Циљ је да се разграниче вредности које у такве изведенице уносе инфикси -#м- и -ов-/-ев- (или и -о-) од вредности које носи суфикс -ина. Указује се и на потребу трагања за могућим системски установљеним разликама између типова вредности својствених именичким суфиксима, наједној страни, и свим осталим творбеним (/ творбено-граматичким) афиксима, на другој. The paper discusses the need to distinguish between two types of derivational morphemes, indicating two perceptibly different dimensions: object categorisation (nominal suffixes) and meaning categorisation (non-nominal suffixes and infixes). To that aim, we differentiate between the values added to the topolexemes of the cerovina, ceretina and Cerina type by means of the -#m- and -ov-/-ev- infixes on the one hand and the -ima suffix on the other. The paper demonstrates that the nominal suffixes imply an orientation to reality and to the world of physical entities, which are classified on the basis of the “perceptually simple” differences and during the cognition process transformed into mental subjects of a certain categorial type. A comparison of the -ica and -ina suffixes has demonstrated that - ina signifies a categorial object type of indefinite dimensions (multidimensional) and limits of extension. Opposite to this, affixes in an infixal position are not oriented to reality but to semantic units proper, due to which we interpret them as units in the function of meaning categorisation, whereby we take “meaning categories” as the highest distinctions in man’s approach to reality. The affixes expressing differences in approach to reality must naturally be semi-functional units, consequently also the means of indicating differences in the manner of interpreting (/using) semantic units. The functions of infixes in formations of the cerovina and ceretina type are also reducible to differences in interpreting the fundamental unit: -ov- ts an indicator that the motivating word implies individually observed entities, whereas -ef- is an indicator of the motivating word being taken in a non-objective (nonreferential) sense.
Databáze: OpenAIRE