Rapid assessment of drinking water quality in rural areas – a national study using the world health organization methodology

Přispěvatelé: Шкорић, Драган
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Водоснабдевање становника брдско-планинских предела
Popis: – Национална студија брзе процене квалитета воде за пиће у руралним срединама има за циљ да према методологији Светске здравстве не организације испита квалитет воде и водних објеката у брдско-планин ским крајевима Србије који до сада нису били предмет стручних и научних истраживања. Истраживање је спроведено у току 2016. године у Моравичком и Златиборском округу. Обухваћене су две врсте објеката за водоснабдевање, и то тзв. мали водоводни системи односно изворишта са дистрибутивном мрежом (укупно 267 објеката) и индивидуални водни објекти односно извори, бунари или бушотине без мреже (укупно 14 објеката). Квалитет воде процењен је на основу микробиолошких и хемијских параметара. Резултати студије пока зују да вода у брдско-планинским крајевима има одличан хемијски квалитет, али да највећи проблем и велики ризик по здравље људи представља микроби олошка загађеност воде. С обзиром на озбиљност проблема, неопходно је што пре започети систематски третман воде неким дезинфекционим средством и санирати оне објекте на којима су уочени пропусти у току санитарне инспек ције. Поред тога, направљене су матрице ризика по загађење воде на основу санитарног надзора над водним објектима. Анализа матрица показује да се у око осамдесет процената испитиваних водних објеката морају хитно примени ти мере за смањење ризика по квалитет воде. Ова ситуација може се сматрати алармантном јер изискује хитно планирање и спровођење техничких и техно лошких поступака за санирање или поправку водних објеката у сарадњи са одговорним лицима, власницима објеката, јавним комуналним предузећима и локалном самоуправом. При решавању приказаних проблема није довољ но само радити на здравственом или хигијенском просвећивању станов ништва нити препустити ситуацију личном залагању појединаца, већ пред ност треба дати јавно-здравственим мерама које су спровеле шире друштвене заједнице, односно у договору са заводима за јавно здравље, локалном само управом и власницима водовода. На тај начин утицаће се на смањење ризика по здравље људи пореклом од воде за пиће и на побољшање квалитета живота сеоског становништва у брдско-планинским пределима наше земље. The National study within the project “Rapid assessment of drinking water quality in rural areas in Serbia” was conducted in order to analyze the quality of drinking water from small-scale water supply system in mountainous areas in Serbia using the methodology of the World Health Organization. The study was conducted in 2016 in Zlatiborski and Moravički district which belong to mountainous areas in Serbia. The following two types of water supply technologies were included in the study: piped systems – consisting of a water source with the distribution network (total of 267 water supply facilities) and individual systems – including protected water sources, wells or boreholes (total of 14 water supply facilities). Water quality was evaluated on the basis of the selected microbiological indicators (Esherichia coli number per 100 ml of water), chemical parameters – ammonia, nitrates, manganese, arsenic, residual chlorine, pH value, and physical characteristics – temperature, colour odour, turbidity and conductivity. The results of the study revealed the following: first, drinking water from both types of water supply technologies is of excellent chemical quality and almost all water samples (95% of all piped systems and 90% of all individual systems) comply with national guidelines in terms of physical and chemical characteristics. This reduces the need for investment in expensive technical and technological processes for water treatment in these supply facilities. Only the long-term water pollution with high concentrations of any of these hazards would require the application of some water treatment methods. Second, the main problem in the investigated water supply systems is bacteriological contamination of water, probably of fecal origin. The number of Esherichia coli ranges from zero to more than two thousand per 100 ml of water. Water from about a half of all piped systems, and from about two-thirds of the individual systems does not comply with national guidelines in terms of microbiological quality. In addition, water is not chlorinated in 90% of all piped systems and in none of the examined individual systems in both districts. Given the seriousness of the risk to human health due to microbiological pollution of drinking water, urgent water disinfection is required in these water supply facilities. In cooperation with the public health professionals, local authorities and the owners of the water supply systems it is of prime importance to start repairing the piped systems and individual supply facilities, to resolve the problems identified by the sanitary inspections which may be the cause of microbial contamination, and to initiate systematic water disinfection and monitoring of disinfectant residues in drinking water as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the population of mountainous areas of the two investigated districts of Serbia should be warned of the hazard from bacteriological contamination of water and advised to imply other water disinfection measures, such as water boiling and disinfection with chlorine. Otherwise, the population should be provided with drinking water from safe sources or with bottled water, and the use of water from the unsafe water facilities should be prohibited. Knowing that these measures require a high level of health and hygiene education and motivation of the population as well as certain financial resources for an indefinite period, the priority, however, should be given to public health policies implemented by the whole community. Third, the novelty of the applied methodology was the creation of the risk-to-health matrices, computed by combining microbiological water quality with risks identified by the sanitary inspection of the water supply facilities. Risk matrices for piped systems indicate that 200 water sources and 245 distribution networks (out of 267) and 11 out of 14 individual water sources require the implementation of measures aiming to reduce the risks for water contamination. These matrices allow the ranking of water facilities in rural areas according to the degree of urgency of the management of water supply facilities, thus enabling the local authorities draw up a list of priorities to improve water quality, to assess the investment requirements of the selected water facilities and to provide intervention procedures for resolving the problem. The results of the rapid assessment of drinking water quality in mountainous regions of Serbia can be interpreted in the context of public health and health policy. This study should assist policy makers in the creation and the implementation of the national health policy related to the future development of water supply in the Republic of Serbia. For example, the presented data could be the starting point for the selection of the most appropriate type of water supply in rural areas, for the selection of the adequate water technology, for the improvement and enforcement of the sanitary inspection and monitoring of water supply facilities in order to prevent water contamination, for the selection of the most appropriate water treatment and disinfection methods, etc. These steps should reduce the risk to human health from drinking water and improve the quality of life of the rural population in the mountainous regions of our country. Научни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ. 174. Одељење хемијских и биолошких наука ; књ. 13
Databáze: OpenAIRE