Meaning as a 'Positive' Value in Language

Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Научни доприноси Радоја Симића : зборник радова
Popis: The study relies on Ferdinand de Saussure's theory of the sign and the prevalence of negative values in language, as well as the attitude that "meaning = a different value’. Drawing on the insights presented in the studies of Prof. Radoje Simić, we raise the possibility of a fundamental difference between meaning as the basic (positive / defined) value of the sign, and the values in language that result from the relations with units belonging to the lower logical rank of the same semantic circle. This ts illustrated by the example of the noun čovek (man) ( Palaeo-Slavic *čelovék), the primary and basic meaning of which is revealed in the etymological and syllogistic approach to this word / term. This approach reveals the existence of a primary syllogistic structure "čelovek" (man) (not a man) - *live (‘a living creature), where, based on the proposition *čelovék» and its contradiction ‘Hé celovékb, the conclusion "čelovek" is reached. The ‘human being’ is thereby determined biologically (as a ‘living creature’), i.e. it is identified and comprehended as a distinct species of individuals in the genus (or the complex?) ‘live. As the ‘human being’ is defined as čelovék, and the human (social, humane) dimension of the man is inseparable from the biological dimension, the value ‘human being / individual / person’ must be automatically assigned to MAN as its basic meaning. When the Čovek (MAN) is observed as a biological being and is brought into relationship with žena (woman), i.e. reduced to a lower logical level, the noun man is assigned a value dependent on the value of the noun woman. Seen as the woman's (‘a female person from the time . she gets sexually mature and becomes a woman - she ceases to be a girl, she gets married, she gives birth) reflection in a mirror, the man is assigned the value of ‘a male from the time he matures into a man (ceases to be a boy, gets married) until his old age. With some modifications or reductions, this value is retained in the relationship between all units that belong to the same circle and level (woman | man - MAN, woman | man — child, young man \ old man - man, etc.). Полазећи од Сосирових погледа на вредност и значење у језику и следећи трагове увида изнетих у радовима проф. Радоја Симића, указујемо на могуће постојање суштинске разлике између основне вредности знака, којој одговара термин значење, и вредности које у језику настају као резултат релација међу речима одређеног семантичког круга. Те се разлике илуструју на примеру именице човек, у чијем се семантичком склопу издваја (1) примарно значење с основним, и (2) вредности које условљава релација са ‘жена’ (поткласа класе ‘женско’).
Databáze: OpenAIRE