Constitution today - what is left of sovereignty of the framer of constitution?

Přispěvatelé: Костић, Александар
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Државни поредак : суверенитет у времену глобализације : зборник радова са симпозијума одржаног 8. и 9. фебруара 2019. године
Popis: У овом раду аутор одговара на питање да ли су савремени процеси глобализације, интернационализације, регионализације и сл. утицали на промену природе и кључних обележја уставотворне власти као традиционално највишег правно-политичког израза модерне националне државе. Он најпре преиспитује три класична појма устава – нормативни, политички и социолошки. Потом, он анализира различита значења појма, односно концепта суверености. Напослетку, аутор одговара зашто сматра да се природа и суштинска обележја националне уставотворне власти нису променили. Своја теоријска запажања у раду местимично примењује на Републику Србију и њен однос према тзв. Републици Косово. In this paper, the author analyzes and reviews the classical concepts of constitution, sovereignty and constituent power. Firstly, he concludes that the classical notion of constitution – in normative, political and social sense – is suitable for the relatively changed circumstances at the beginning of the 21st century. Secondly, he presents several substantially different meanings of the concept of sovereignty and warns that those meanings should not be mixed. Sovereignty is still a valid and fundamental concept in modern constitutional theory – the national state today can not be defined without it, although there are a lot of relatively new challenges of the concept arising from the process of internationalization of constitutional law. The globalization process can be considered only as an important political, but not as a legal limitation of state sovereignty. Lastly, constituent power remains the same in the national state. There is no other real constituent power and there is no pluralism of constituent powers as it is sometimes described in the modern literature. The globalization, internationalization and regionalization of constitutional law constantly make pressure to national constituent power. National constituent power, however, is not changed – it remains unlimited in the sphere of positive law and considerably influenced by the global and regional politics. The influence of global and regional politics, as well as the internationalization of constitutional law, has made important differences in the process of modern constitutional law making, but the fundamental features of constitution, sovereignty and constituent power remains the same. Научни скупови / Српска академија наука и уметности, Београд ; књ. 183. Одељење друштвених наука ; књ. 43
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