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The historical work by Georgios Sphrantzes, his Memoirs, illustrates, through information on his life and career, the way in which a person could enter the higher social circles in XV century Byzantium. Usually, these persons were referred to in sources as ‘archons’ and some of them as the emperor’s ‘oikeioi’, which involved a specific kind of personal and close relationship with the ruler and, in this case, a dynasty. Furthermore, Sphrantzes’ work provides data on some late Byzantine phenomena, for instance, not only the imperial ‘oikos’, but those of the emperor’s brothers as well, and indicates the existence of the same hierarchy in the ‘ospitia’ of the despotai. Istorijsko delo Georgija Sfrancisa, njegovi Memoari, ilustruje, kroz informacije o njegovom životu i karijeri, kao model, način na koji je neka ličnost mogla da postane deo najviših društvenih krugova u Vizantiji XV veka. Ove ličnosti izvori najčešće pominju kao ’arhonte’, a neke od njih kao careve ’oikeioi’, što je termin koji je označavao specifičnu vrstu lične i bliske veze sa vladarom i, u ovom slučaju , dinastijom. Štaviše, Sfrancisov spis pruža podatke o nekim poznovizantijskim fenomenima, kao što su ne samo ’oikos’ cara, već i careve braće takođe, što svedoči o postojanju iste hijerarhije i u ’kućama’ tadašnjih despota, u to vreme isključivo članova dinastije Paleologa. |