Applying SNP array technology to assess genetic diversity in Russian gene pool of chickens

Autor: Romanov, Michael N, Dementyeva, Natalia V, Plemyashov, Kirill V, Terletsky, Valeriy P., Stanishevskaya, Olga I., Kudinov, Andrei A., Fedorova, Elena S., Perinek, Oksana Yu, Larkina, Tatiana A., Pleshanov, Nikolai V.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Plant and Animal Genome XXV Conference
Popis: Development of high throughput next generation technologies for genome-wide genotyping opens new prospects for characterizing various gene pool populations of chickens. Use of SNP array technology allows determining the extent of their genetic diversity, differentiation, and potential for further genomic selection. Solutions derived from the identification of SNP markers and genes relevant to economically important traits, their combinations and variations can be applied to selection and improvement of lines and crosses of commercial poultry. In addition, analysis of intra- and inter-population genetic diversity of gene pool breeds of chickens using modern genomic technologies seems important because these breeds may be carriers of unique phenotypic characteristics, such as adaptability to local conditions, resistance to certain diseases, and unique productive, decorative and other features. A specific aim in the context of the problems to be solved within the current project is genotyping of 40 chicken gene pool breeds and interbreed hybrids kept at the Russian Research Institute of Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding using Illumina Chicken 60K SNP iSelect BeadChip, followed by computation of a number of population genetic parameters (Wright’s FST-statistics, heterozygosity, inbreeding, between-breed differences, etc.). Subsequently, correlations will be identified between the calculated molecular genetic parameters, genotypes, and phenotypic characteristics of the breeds. Acknowledgements: the project is sponsored by the Russian Science Foundation grant, No. 16-16-04060.
Databáze: OpenAIRE