Exploring the impact of hand movement delays and hand appearance on myoelectric prosthesis embodiment using immersive virtual reality

Autor: Hodrien, A, Galpin, AJ, Roberts, DJ, Kenney, L
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
ISSN: 1554-8716
Popis: Prosthesis embodiment, the feeling of a prosthesis being part of the user, is reported by some prosthesis users. Myoelectric prostheses are electrically powered which produce a delay with fixed and variable components. The latter introduces uncertainty over hand behaviour, likely influencing embodiment. Embodiment may also be influenced by hand appearance. An Immersive Virtual Reality experimental study is currently in preparation. It involves anatomically-intact participants to systematically measure the impact of movement delays and appearance on embodiment of a virtual prosthesis. This includes a head-mounted display and motion tracking of a myoelectric prosthesis, with various virtual appearances and hand-movement delays.
Databáze: OpenAIRE