How to improve paired talk in primary maths: one teacher trainer shares a simple tweak that could enhance the quality of 'talk partner' discussion in primary maths

Autor: Field, Jenny
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: TES
Popis: Before the introduction of the National Numeracy Strategy in 1997 it was unusual to see ‘Talk Partners’ during a primary mathematics lesson. In fact in my experience, pre-1996 mathematics was more often seen as a subject which children tackled independently and often in silence. Over the past 20 years, ’Talk Partners’ have become much more commonplace, and lessons are now often punctuated by the teacher setting problems and then using phrases such as ‘Turn to the person next to you’ or ‘Find your talk partner’, in order to encourage children to engage in mathematical discussion. This has been great move forward, and one to be celebrated. However, I believe that for many of us the model has not progressed or evolved, and has often been seen as enough in itself. I feel it is now time to reflect on this approach and try to improve the model.
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