Poster abstract research showcase College of Science and Technology

Autor: SMITH, JE
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: Welcome to the College of Science and Technology Research and Innovation Showcase 2014, an\ud event which celebrates the research achievements of our science disciplines.\ud Our research brings together scientists from architecture and the built environment through to\ud computing, engineering, mathematics and physics and biology, geography and environmental\ud science. We are committed to build on our strengths, and our key vision is to drive research growth\ud and impact through exploitation of the synergy between research, innovation and enterprise.\ud This year’s showcase event includes over 70 posters illustrating the excellent research being\ud pursued, a Dean's prize recognising the achievements of an early career researcher, prizes for the\ud best student and best students’ posters and journal papers, and this proceedings of abstracts\ud showing the high quality and range of research in the College of Science and Technology.
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