Use of continuous simulation model (COSIMAT) as a complementary tool to model sewer systems: a case study on the Paruck collector, Brussels, Belgium

Autor: Nkiaka, E., Shrestha, N.K., Leta, O.T., Bauwens, W.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
ISSN: 1747-6585
Popis: Episodic Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) discharges effectively control the ecological status of receiving water bodies. Hydrodynamic models like the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) are often used to model the CSO events. However, such detailed models are computationally demanding especially when a long‐term simulation of a complex system is required. Considering this, we developed an alternative simple continuous simulation model (COSIMAT) using the SIMULINK™ module in MATLAB™ as a means of solving the issue of computational time associated with the detailed models. The COSIMAT model was tested against a detailed model set up on the SWMM. The Paruck collector – one of the major Collector of the Brussels’ sewer system was used as an example case. Results showed that the accuracy of the simplified COSIMAT model was comparable to that of the detailed hydrodynamic model (SWMM) with a significant reduction of computational time by a factor of 8. We believe such alternative approaches would be useful to replace a computationally demanding model component of an integrated modelling system of a complex sewer system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE