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socialni in zdravstveni oskrbi Specifične značilnosti življenjskih potekov in preteklih izkušenj LGBT+ starih ljudi zahtevajo znanje in ozaveščenost zaposlenih v skrbstvenih poklicih. V članku s pomočjo mednarodne perspektive osvetlimo temeljne teme področja vključujoče oskrbe LGBT+ starih ljudi, s posebnim poudarkom na slovenskem kontekstu, in pri tem izčrpno uporabimo spoznanja evropskega projekta »Being me« (2018–2020). V projektu smo raziskovali dobre prakse na področju izobraževanja in razvili spletna učna gradiva ter pripomočke za zaposlene v socialni in zdravstveni oskrbi. Med načeli in pristopi, ki so nas vodili pri raziskovanju, so bili v ospredju poudarek na medpresečnosti, odpornosti, perspektivi moči, življenjskih zgodbah in sodelovanju z LGBT+ starimi ljudmi v vseh fazah projekta.\ud \ud (English)\ud The specific characteristics of life course and past experiences of LGBT+ old people require knowledge and awareness on the part of carers. In this paper, an international perspective to shed light on key issues in the field of inclusive care for LGBT+ older people is used, with a particular focus on the Slovenian context, drawing extensively on the findings of the European project “Being me” (2018–2020). In the project, we aimed to explore best practice in the area of education and to develop online learning materials and tools for social and health care workers. Among the principles and approaches that guided our research, the focus was put on intersectionality, resilience, strengths perspective, life stories, and collaboration with LGBT+ old people in all phases of the project. |