Spectral Aerosol Optical Depth from Traceable Spectral Solar Irradiance Measurements to the SI

Autor: Gröbner, Julian, Kouremeti, Natalia, Hülsen, Gregor, Zuber, Ralf, Ribnitzky, Mario, Nevas, Saulius, Sperfeld, Peter, Schwind, Kerstin, Schneider, Philipp, Kazadzis, Stelios, Barreto, Africa, Gardiner, Tom, Mottungan, Kavitha, Medland, David, Coleman, Marc
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 1867-8548
Popis: Spectroradiometric measurements of direct solar irradiance traceable to the SI were performed by three spectroradiometer systems during a three week campaign in September 2022 at the Izaña Atmospheric Observatory (IZO) located on the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. The spectroradiometers provided direct spectral irradiance measurements in the spectral range 300 nm to 550 nm (QASUME), 550 nm to 1700 nm (QASUME-IR), 300 nm to 2150 nm (BTS), and 316 nm to 1030 nm (PSR), with relative standard uncertainties of 0.7 %, 0.9 % and 1 % for QASUME/QASUME-IR, PSR, and BTS respectively. The calibration of QASUME and QASUME-IR was validated prior to this campaign at the PTB by measuring the spectral irradiance from two spectral irradiance sources, the high temperature blackbody BB3200pg as national primary standard and the tuneable laser facility TULIP. The Top of Atmosphere (ToA) solar irradiance spectra from the spectroradiometers were retrieved from direct solar irradiance measurements using zero airmass extrapolation during cloudfree conditions which were then compared to the TSIS-1 HSRS solar spectrum. These ToA solar spectra agreed to within 1 % for the spectral range longer than 400 nm (for QASUME also at shorter wavelengths) in the spectral regions free of significant trace gas absorption and well within the combined uncertainties over the full investigated spectral range. Using the results from the comparison with QASUME, the relative standard uncertainty of the TSIS-1 HSRS ToA solar spectrum in the spectral range 308 nm to 400 nm could be reduced from its nominal 1.3 % to 0.8 %, representing the relative standard uncertainty of the QASUME ToA solar spectrum in this spectral range. The spectral Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) retrieved from the solar irradiance measurements of these spectroradiometers using TSIS-1 HSRS as the reference ToA solar spectrum agreed to within 0.01 in optical depth in nearly all common spectral channels of two narowband filter radiometers belonging to the GAWPFR and AERONET networks. This study shows that it is now possible to retrieve spectral AOD over the extended spectral range from 300 nm to 1700 nm using solar irradiance measurements traceable to the SI using laboratory calibrated spectroradiometers with similar quality as from traditional Langley-based calibrated instruments. The main improvement to previous investigations is the recent availability of the high spectral resolution TSIS-1 HSRS solar spectrum with very low uncertainties which provides the Top of Atmosphere reference for the spectral atmospheric transmission measurements obtained from ground based solar irradiance measurements.
Databáze: OpenAIRE