H2020 CLIC Project - D6.23 Ongoing reports of the Task Force on Circular models for cultural heritage adaptive reuse in cities and regions

Autor: Antonia Gravagnuolo (CNR IRISS), Luigi Fusco Girard (CNR IRISS), Valeria Catanese (CNR IRISS), Serena Micheletti (CNR IRISS) Ruba Saleh (ICHEC) Cristina Garzillo (ICLEI) Jermina Stanojev (UU) Gillian Foster (WU) Clarissa Gitto (INI)
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: pp.1–167, 2021
Popis: The Deliverable describes the activities conducted under the CLIC project regarding the Task Force on "Circular models for cultural heritage adaptive reuse in cities and regions. The goal of the Task Force is to create a community of research and practice players focused on cultural heritage adaptive reuse as a strategy for the implementation of the circular economy in regions and cities, stimulating more effective dialogue and creating operational synergies between the cultural, social and environmental sectors. The Task Force promotes exchange of knowledge, tools and approaches fostering urban circularity, increasing regeneration and stimulating equitable, inclusive economic growth and people's wellbeing. Members of the Task Force include several EU- funded research and innovation projects, UN agencies, European Commission representatives, international funding agencies and relevant stakeholders in the field of cultural heritage, sustainable urban regeneration and circular economy. The Task Force has been included in the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage, within the "CLUSTER OF ACTIONS 5: supporting the adaptive re-use of heritage buildings". The Task Force launched with the support of the Horizon 2020 programme will provide expertise and advice on financing and managing the re-use of built heritage in cities in line with circular economy models. This deliverable aims to describe the Task Force meetings held by experts from different organizations in 2018 and 2019, including both presentations and reports, in particular for the roundtables held in Brussels in 2019. Conclusions and next steps complete the report.
Databáze: OpenAIRE