Geological mapping in Naples and Salerno Bays (Southern Tyrrhenian sea, Italy)

Autor: Aiello Gemma, Bellonia Antonello, Budillon Francesca, Buonocunto Francesco Paolo, Capodanno Monica, Conforti Alessandro, D'’Argenio Bruno, Di Martino Gabriella, D'’Isanto Claudio, Ferraro Luciana et al.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Geoitalia 2007, Rimini, 2007
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Aiello Gemma; Bellonia Antonello; Budillon Francesca; Buonocunto Francesco Paolo; Capodanno Monica; Conforti Alessandro; D'’Argenio Bruno; Di Martino Gabriella; D'’Isanto Claudio; Ferraro Luciana et al./congresso_nome:Geoitalia 2007/congresso_luogo:Rimini/congresso_data:2007/anno:2007/pagina_da:/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine
Popis: The 1:10.000 - 1:25.000 scale geological mapping of the Naples and Salerno bays (C.A.R.G. Project of the Camapanian Region), started in the 2003, follows and partly overlaps with a 1:25.000 - 1:50.000 scale map project (APAT) confined to the Bay of Naples only. The geoophysical acquisition, data processing, bottom sediment sampling and geological interpretation, carried out in the frame of the project, form the base for the assembling of a marine morphobatymetric-geological map of the Campanian offshore within the 200m isobath (maps n. 464 "Ischia", n.465 "Procida", n. 466 "Sorrento nord", n.484 "Capri", n.486 "Foce Sele",n.502 "Agropoli", n.519 "Capo Palinuro",n.520 "Sapri" and n.520bis. One of the most significant results of the CARG Project is the Marine Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Bays of Naples and Salerno based on a detalied Multibeam bathymetric survey of the area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE