D6.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan

Autor: G. Pedrielli, W. Terkaj, F. Giannini, M. Monti, S. Gagliardo, L. Danza, M. Ghellere, F. Salamone, A. Devitofrancesco
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: SuFSeF Project uttermost objective is to foster and strengthen the spread of sustainable factories. Thus the project will research and implement advanced tools and ideas at the foundation of a new concept of sustainable factory as a whole characterized by buildings, products, processes and production resource all considered together in a unified environment. Having this objective in mind, this document defines a roadmap for dissemination strategy, with concrete actions and corresponding timing, on how to properly disseminate and successfully communicate project results to different audiences within the project in the first period and the foreseen ones. This Deliverable presents the dissemination strategy of the SuFSeF consortium, the action done in the first period and the foreseen ones. In chapter 0, the purpose of dissemination is presented, the concept and the importance of an effective communication. Chapter 0 shows the strategy for the entire project. To achieve and successfully complete the dissemination plan, SuFSeF project will use a wide variety of dissemination and communication tools such as web site, brochure, but also new ones as social networks. Chapter 0 describes, one by one, dissemination tools, communication instruments and its role inside the dissemination vision of the project: Social Network, Videos, Conference and scientific journals, Media, Fair and exhibition, collaborations with foreigners partners (out of the European union). The collaboration with industrial partner is vital for the success of the project as chapter 0 illustrates. Finally, chapter 0 draws the conclusions of the deliverable.
Databáze: OpenAIRE