A photonic smart system for food quality and safety sensing: first integration and measurement results

Autor: F. R. Bertani, P. Bourgos, L. Businaro, L. Gambacorta, A. Gerardino, S. Hintschich, G. Koutalieris, M. Logothetis, E. Martinelli, G.J. Nychas, M. Solfrizzo, M. Tosic, Y.Weesepoel, G. Wunder
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: MNE 2017, 43rd International CONFERENCE on MICRO AND NANOENGINEERING, pp. 86, Braga, Portugal, 18-22/10/2017
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:F. R. Bertani, P. Bourgos, L. Businaro, L. Gambacorta, A. Gerardino, S. Hintschich, G. Koutalieris, M. Logothetis, E. Martinelli, G.J. Nychas, M. Solfrizzo, M. Tosic, Y.Weesepoel, G. Wunder/congresso_nome:MNE 2017, 43rd International CONFERENCE on MICRO AND NANOENGINEERING/congresso_luogo:Braga, Portugal/congresso_data:18-22%2F10%2F2017/anno:2017/pagina_da:86/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:86
Popis: The food safety issue is among the cornerstones of the environmental protection schemes worldwide and beside hazard issues, there is great concern about monitoring of food spoilage in a reliable way. Current practices of assessment of food spoilage still relies heavily on regulatory inspection and sampling regimes. A portable photonic multisensor device for the detection of food contaminations, spoilage and fraud is the objective of the EU PhasmaFOOD project. It will integrate different capabilities: spectroscopic detection (VIS/ NIR), imaging, smart signal processing, data analysis and comparison with updated models on cloud platform hosting data set for training and calibration of food analysis algorithms, user friendly interfaces by smartphone/tablet/PC also through wireless connection.
Databáze: OpenAIRE