Integrated multi scale archaeological analysis in Béni Mellal-Khenifra District (Marocco): the case of Fortress of Aouam

Autor: Manfredi L.-I., Dekayir A., Bokbot Y., Ouchaou B., Festuccia S., Cozzolino M., Gentile V., Merola P., Repola L., Cecalupo C., Seghir M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Archeologia e calcolatori 31 (2020): 155–97. doi:10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.05
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Manfredi L.-I.; Dekayir A.; Bokbot Y.; Ouchaou B.; Festuccia S.; Cozzolino M.; Gentile V.; Merola P.; Repola L.; Cecalupo C.; Seghir M./titolo:Integrated multi scale archaeological analysis in Béni Mellal-Khenifra District (Marocco): the case of Fortress of Aouam/doi:10.19282%2Fac.31.1.2020.05/rivista:Archeologia e calcolatori/anno:2020/pagina_da:155/pagina_a:97/intervallo_pagine:155–97/volume:31
Popis: The fortress of Ighram Aousser is located in Morocco, 10 km west of M'rirt and 120 km south of Meknés, on the so-called mines route. The lack of an organic and complete documentation and a concrete need to acquire new data about unexplored areas have required a multi-methodological research including the analysis of historical sources, archaeological surveys, topographic investigations, laser scanner modelling and geophysical prospections. All data were stored in a Geographic Information System, which allowed spatial analyses and the creation of thematic maps. The integrated geo-archaeological approach has led to a new archaeological map providing an updated view of the rich archaeological heritage in that territory. The article also offers a complete account of the valorization processes, the international promotion of the site and its long-lasting mining tradition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE