Omvänd ordföljd – en indikator för nivåbedömning inom CEFR?

Autor: Lahtinen, Sinikka, Palviainen, Åsa
Jazyk: finština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: AFinLA-e: Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia
ISSN: 1798-7822
Popis: The aim of this article is to empirically examine whether accuracy as to inversion can be used as an indicator for CEFR-level in Swedish as a L2. It has been shown that mastering inversion, i.e. the placement of the subject in relation to the finite verb in main declarative clauses that begin with a clause-initial non-subject, indicates a high proficiency level in oral test situations. Our analysis is based on 60 written essays produced by Finnish-speaking university students. Three independent raters evaluated the essays using the CEFR scale. The results show that although the students on all levels used structures with a clause-initial non-subject to more or less the same degree, the B2-level stood out as a group, since it showed a significantly higher accuracy in subject placement. Individual students, however, varied in respect to accuracy. Therefore, we argue that inversion cannot be used as an exclusive descriptor of CEFR-level.
Databáze: OpenAIRE