Kaksi asteikkoa, kaksi eri tilannetta: äidinkielellä ja vieraalla kielellä kirjoitettujen tekstien kriteeripohjaisen arvioinnin haasteita

Autor: Toropainen, Outi, Härmälä, Marita, Lahtinen, Sinikka
Jazyk: finština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: AFinLA-teema
AFinLA-e: Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia
ISSN: 2814-6298
Popis: The article examines the use of two CEFR-based rating scales in assessing L1 and L2 texts in Swedish. The texts were from different student groups in Finland (n = 174), and from one group in Sweden (n = 42). The aim was to find out what features caught raters’ attention when rating L1 and L2 texts with the same scales, and how did the task prompts affect the use of the scales. Bruce’s (2008) distinction between social and cognitive genre worked as a theoretical framework. Raters’ (n = 5) written comments during the rating process were collected and analyzed qualitatively. The results show that the scales used did somewhat affect the rating process for both groups, e.g. by drawing more attention to linguistic features, and not offering enough genre descriptors. The study clearly shows that using same scale for different purposes is not straightforward.
Databáze: OpenAIRE