Productivity in old age

Autor: Fernández-Ballesteros, Rocío, Zamarrón, M. Dolores, Díez-Nicolás, Juan, López Bravo, M. Dolores, Molina, M. Ángeles, Schettini del Moral, Rocío
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
Popis: It is commonly assumed that older adults are “unproductive” as soon as they retire and begin receiving a pension from the social security system, as occurs in most European countries. This article deals with the concept of unpaid work and social productivity, on the basis of data collected in the base line of the Estudio Longitudinal sobre Envejecimiento Activo (ELEA; Longitudinal Study of Active Aging), exploring the extent to which Spanish older adults (aged 55 to 75) report being involved in productive activities. First, the data are examined by age, gender, and working status; and second, under moderate- cost assumptions, the unpaid contribution to society of older people is calculated, in terms of Euros. The results are discussed in the context of other general studies about unpaid productive activities in old age; it is concluded that our sample is characterized by a focus on productive activity related to care for other adults and children and their estimated contribution in unpaid activities expresses the importance of older persons as social capital.
Databáze: OpenAIRE